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  • Antonio Peláez Rovira
Vol. 56 (2007), Articles, pages 205-223
Submitted: Apr 2, 2020 Published: Jan 14, 2007
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Studies political power in the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada in relation to female elite. It aims to throw new light on the polemical title of Queen that appears in chronicles and archival documents, as well as to delimitate the actual political power of a Nasrid monarch’s wife. This exceptional title is applied to a hardly known woman of the fifteenth century, Zahr al-Riyad, wife of Muhammad IX al-Aysar. Her status has been compared with the political features of Queen Arwà of Yemen (XII).


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Peláez Rovira, A. (2007). La política de alianzas matrimoniales en el Reino Nazarí: el caso de Zahr al-Riyāḏ (s. XV). Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 56, 205–223. Retrieved from