La Sabana (Venezuela). The making of an ancestral everyday lite


  • Yara Altez Universidad Central de Venezuela



Local history, Memory and oblivion, Etnography, People of african descent


The following text is clear from the research project: "Anthropology of the parish Caruao" ( APC), from wh ich comes rebuilding the past of the towns people of African descent of the call Caruao parish of the Vargas State in the central coast of Venezuela. The results achieved so far by the researcherswho make up the team, talk about a long history not written or recorded in anyway, which would begin during the colon y, at the beginning of the 17TH century, according to the information found in historico-documentales files, corroborated also by the local archaeological record. Meanwhile, the study conducted on the basis of the oral memory in the communities of Caruao, fling as a main result the absence of local souvenirs just about the colonial past. But in particular, want to highlight here the oblivion which has been one of the most interesting and important of this area local stories. lt's La Sabana, head town of the parish Caruao, where the research team managed to work systematically with the memory of the Group of elders who lived there during the nineties of the twentieth century. This town had the privilege of being originally a free black settlement founded in the middle of the 18th century, but nevertheless has not retained any recollection that would at least know how would have lived and what were the customs of those individuals. Accordingly, the group selected informants/nursing -already now deceased- enabled equipment check that oblivion advanced silently on the sheet -his community of origin- in spite that especially past as "free black ". However, traces of that history have been left feeling on the stage of savanna everyday life until the mid-20th century, even without knowing its protagonists. News of this is the main objective of this essay.

Author Biography

Yara Altez, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Profesora de Antropología Social de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Doctora en Ciencias Sociales con una tesis sobre hermenéutica antropológica. Formada en la tradición culturalista que focaliza su campo de estudio en las pequeñas comunidades, ha desarrollado varios proyectos en la costa central de Venezuela en donde se encuentran asentamientos de afrodescendientes.


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