Heinz Althöfer, the beginning of the Theory of Conservation of Contemporary Art


  • Carlota Santabárbara Morera Doctora en Historia del Arte por la U niversidad de Zaragoza. Profesora asociada de Historia del Arte en la Universidad de Zaragoza




Contemporary art conservation and restoration, Authenticity, Cesare Brandi, Theory of Restoration, Restoration criteria, Materiality, Replacement


The German restorer and art historian Heinz Althöfer was pioneer in 1960 with an article about the conservation of contemporary art, in which he considered the need of an advance in the theory of restoration able to update the criteria of the restoration praxis concerning contemporary art. To do so he demanded a philosophical reflection in order to use science and technique rightly. Althöfer stressed the deep change experienced by contemporary art, as well as by its restoration, leading a clear break with the Brandian thought.


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How to Cite

Santabárbara Morera, C. (2016). Heinz Althöfer, the beginning of the Theory of Conservation of Contemporary Art. Erph_ Electronic Journal of Historical Heritage, (18), 52–69. https://doi.org/10.30827/erph.18.2016.5198


