Conciliating tangible and intangible: an integral reflection about heritage


  • Gonçalo de Carvalho Amaro Centro del Patrimonio Cultural/Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Cultural Heritage, Feeling, Identity, Memory, Past, Present


In recent times we have witnessed a growing complexity and diversity of the definitions of heritage developed by UNESCO. We have passed from movable and immovable properties to cultural landscapes and heritage sites, and recently to the intangible heritage. These categories have nurtured heritage concept with a set of complex notions such as culture, identity and memory. It has become clear that not only UNESCO, but also the different agencies engaged on the protection of heritage in each country are now concerned with the protection and incorporation of intangible elements. This paper tries to explain that these elements have always been present in the concept of heritage (in its most diverse dimensions) and that heritage is a harmonious relationship between tangible and intangible aspects.


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Author Biography

Gonçalo de Carvalho Amaro, Centro del Patrimonio Cultural/Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Centro del Patrimonio Cultural/Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


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How to Cite

de Carvalho Amaro, G. (2015). Conciliating tangible and intangible: an integral reflection about heritage. Erph_ Electronic Journal of Historical Heritage, (15), 4–22. Retrieved from


