Seeing in order to think: the visual construction of “rare” diseases




rare diseases, Turner Syndrome, lysosomal storage diseases, visuality, visual culture


Study of hegemonic visualities (scientific and social) that have intervened in the construction of the “rare disease” category is based on the concept of scopic domains. Accordingly, medical treatises published between 1940 and 2015 were examined due to their pedagogic role in creating the iconic concept of disease and its transmission, and the daily press was studied for their role in social diffusion of the images obtained. The Turner Syndrome and Lysosomal Deposit Diseases were selected from around 7,000 health problems listed in this category. Methodologically, the bases of content analysis were adapted to historical investigation, with the formulation of inclusion and exclusion criteria, the creation of corpus, book, and code sheets and their application, and the performance of quantitative and qualitative analyses. The Turner Syndrome featured in medical treatises between 1952 and 2009, analyzing the iconic mechanism of construction by selecting women representative of the entity, thereby generating stereotyping, stigmatization, and infantilization with consequences for medical practice, the social environment, and the patients themselves. A search of the daily press found lysosomal deposit images published between 1982 and 2015, whose prominence was mediated by the newsworthy value of proximity and of two main representations (mothers -as promoting the rights of their children to care and treatment- and the affected children – as motivating solidarity campaigns to raise funds for clinical trials of experimental drugs) and influenced by historical circumstances such as cutbacks in dependency allowances. In conclusion, two types of necessary and coexisting visualities have been identified: a nosological biomedical type, which individualizes and establishes the characteristics of each entity; and the mediatic type, which is the only one able to construct the concept of “rare disease” due to the exclusively social characteristics of this category.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Sánchez , J. A., & Ruiz Somavilla, M. J. (2022). Seeing in order to think: the visual construction of “rare” diseases. Dynamis, 42(2), 473–499.