Diffusion, circulation, and appropriation of psychotechnics in the work setting in Columbia (1940-1980)


  • Óscar Gallo Profesor Invitado del ISFODOSU
  • Eugenio Castaño Doctor en Historia de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Docente de cátedra de la Universidad de Antioquia




Colombia, history, work, psychotechnical tests, job skills, psychological aptitude


The aim of this article was to contribute to the history of psychologi­cal knowledge in the industry in Colombia. For this purpose, an analysis was conducted of the implementation of the first psychotechnical tests for personnel selection purposes by Mercedes Rodrigo (1891-1982), the diffusion of theories about humans in industry by César de Madariaga (1891-1961), and the circula­tion and appropriation of psychotechnics between the 1960s and 1980s are ana­lyzed. We argue that, as in other countries, psychotechnics became a device in Colombia to detect labor aptitudes and a new scientific imperative in the search for productivity in the country’s industries. We also show that a reduction in ac­cidents and the promotion of individual well-being at work were not the main reasons for their implementation in Colombia. On the contrary, they ended up being an instrument to overcome problems of discipline and productivity and a technique for the modelling of men and for occupational adaptations in the context of a surge in import substitution policies.


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How to Cite

Gallo, Óscar, & Castaño, E. (2020). Diffusion, circulation, and appropriation of psychotechnics in the work setting in Columbia (1940-1980). Dynamis, 40(1), 203–224. https://doi.org/10.30827/dynamis.v40i1.15663