Vol. 55 No. 1 (2016)

Published: 2016-06-27

Table of contents

Droughts: recurrence, classification and distribution in the Argentina Pampas

  • Olga Eugenia Scarpati
  • Alberto Daniel Capriolo
Published: Jun 27, 2016
Pages 6-32

Natural preserved areas in Córdoba (Argentina): policy development and the lack of land management

  • José Manuel Crespo Guerrero
  • Gustavo Fabián Peyroti
Published: Jun 27, 2016
Pages 33-58

A proposal for classification of non-urban regions in the European Union

  • Joan Noguera Tur
  • Andrew Copus
Published: Jun 27, 2016
Pages 92-124

The sustainability in regional spatial planning in Spain: a case study

  • Berezi Elorrieta Sanz
  • Jorge Olcina Cantos
  • Dolores Sánchez Aguilera
Published: Jun 27, 2016
Pages 149-175

Deconstructing the cultural landscapes of the World Heritage List of the Unesco

  • Víctor Fernández Salinas
  • Rocío Silva Pérez
Published: Jun 27, 2016
Pages 176-197

Analyzing ecosystem services from the socio-ecological history: The case of the Huerta de Murcia

  • Pedro Gutiérrez González
  • Mª Luisa Suárez Alonso
  • Mª Rosario Vidal-Abarca Gutiérrez
Published: Jun 27, 2016
Pages 198-220

Socio-spatial dynamics and demographic estimates in the Duero river international basin

  • Julián Mora Aliseda
  • Jacinto Garrido Velarde
  • Manuel Díaz González
Published: Jun 27, 2016
Pages 221-238

Characterization of the wood production complex in Córdoba Province, Argentina. Factors that hinder their competitiveness

  • Gerardo Andrés Denegri
  • Gustavo Hernán Acciaresi
Published: Jun 27, 2016
Pages 239-256

Major milestones in the history of the wood processing industry in the economy of Galicia (Spain)

Published: Jun 27, 2016
Pages 257-282

Between fishing and tourism: recent economic and demographic changes in Mexico’s coastal zone

  • Enrique Pérez-Campuzano
  • Clemencia Santos-Cerquera
Published: Jun 27, 2016
Pages 283-308

Zóñar lakes and del Rincón (Córdoba, Spain). Approach to value of recreational use

  • Amalia Hidalgo Fernández
  • Rafael E. Hidalgo Fernández
Published: Jun 27, 2016
Pages 309-331

Analysis of the Socio-digital inclusion policy in Andalusia (Spain) and its territorial strategy Guadalinfo

  • Gustavo Antonio Contreras Cabrera
  • Javier López Otero
Published: Jun 27, 2016
Pages 332-359

Competence in Geographic Information Technology (GIT) in studies university-reflection and participatory proposal

  • Victor Manuel Rodríguez Espinosa
  • Inmaculada Aguado Suárez
  • Francisco Aguilera Benavente
  • Joaquin Bosque Sendra
  • Emilio Chuvieco Salinero
  • Francisco Escobar Martínez
  • Montserrat Gómez Delgado
  • María Jesús Salado García
  • Javier Salas Rey
Published: Jun 27, 2016
Pages 360-382

Reseña de Fachadas marítimas de Cádiz

  • Matías Mérida Rodríguez
Published: Jun 27, 2016
Pages 384-386

Reseña de La Murcia andalusí (711-1243). Vida cotidiana

  • Manuel Espinar Moreno
Published: Jun 27, 2016
Pages 387-388