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  • Jordi Bayona Carrasco Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics y Departament de Geografia de la Universitat de Barcelona
  • Andreu Domingo Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics/CERCA
Vol. 59 No. 3 (2020): New mobilities between Spain and Latin America: return versus rooting and return to emigration, New mobilities between Spain and Latin America: return versus rooting and return to emigration, pages 58-78
Submitted: Apr 4, 2019 Accepted: Oct 23, 2019 Published: Jul 20, 2020
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Most of the students of Latin American origin in Catalan schools are invisible statistically due to the growing weight of nationalizations and second generations. 2015-2016 students’ microdata has been connected with the Population Register. With this data we have constructed a generational typology to analyze the migratory trajectory of the students in relation to their school achievement. This analysis has been conducted for Latin American students, with the main aim of knowing their sociodemographic characteristics and their school performance, measured from a suitability rate and the obtention of compulsory studies. In addition to the Latin American group, five origins has been studied (Honduras, Bolivia, the Dominican Republic, Argentina and Ecuador), all of them characterized by an important presence in Catalonia but with very different calendars on their arrival in Spain, as well as in their sociodemographic profiles and in his incorporation into the school. Results obtained from this study indicates the increasing weight of the immigrants’ descendants in schools, and a school performance that is strongly disturbed by the migratory process.


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Bayona Carrasco, J., & Domingo, A. (2020). Students with Latin-American origin in Catalonia: an analysis of their volume and school results. Cuadernos Geográficos, 59(3), 58–78.