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Vol. 60 No. 3 (2021), Articles, pages 316-335
Submitted: Feb 18, 2021 Accepted: Apr 9, 2021 Published: Nov 26, 2021
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This work analyzes the evolution of the Protected Designations of Origin of Spanish wine during the economic crisis of 2008 and until 2015. For this, the Worlds of Production model has been used, which takes into account the technology with which a product is made and the type of market it is targeting. ​We have verified that the greatest adjustments occurred at the beginning of the crisis. First, they were market-type, through greater differentiation of production. Second, technology type: through the search for economies of scale. The result is that in Spain a dual model is maintained: on the one hand, denominations oriented to elitist markets with high-quality wine production and with prices above the average; on the other hand, there are denominations that they sell large volumes of wine in little differentiated markets at a lower price than the previous ones.


Keywords: Wine sector; economic crisis; Protected Designations of Origin; worlds of production theory.


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Esteban Rodríguez, S., & Fernández Portela, J. (2021). The economic crisis in the Protected Denominations of Origin of Spanish wine: an approach from the theory of production worlds. Cuadernos Geográficos, 60(3), 316–335.