Water heritage and landscape of l’Horta Sud as resources for a didactic proposal
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Huerta de Valencia, which is an ancient cultural landscape, with environmental, historical, economic, cultural and symbolic values, is presented as a magnificent setting on which to display a didactic proposal. This proposal focuses on the use of cultural heritage and landscape as an educational resource. There is a whole line of research around the educational potential of cultural heritage and landscape. After reviewing, mapping, inventorying and analyzing the heritage assets of the study case, the aim of this article is to design a didactic proposal around an itinerary through the Huerta, as a comprehensive learning strategy for high school students. A proposal aimed at working with nearby resources, and promoting direct contact and interpretation of the Huerta heritage, which relocates students and generates a feeling of belonging there. This project, in addition to training responsible and critical citizens, is aimend to safeguard this millennial landscape threatened by the developing process.