To the Problem about the Main Features of the Russian Literary Text of F.Iskander


  • Zinaida Gabunia Kabardino-Balkar State University (Nalchik, Russia)
  • Emma Ulimbasheva Kabardino-Balkar State University (Nalchik, Russia)



Iskander, literary Russian, text, origin, expression, interaction of ergative and nominative


This article is devoted to the features of the Russian literary text of F. Iskander as a new type of writing. It analyses typological groups of works of Russian writers, especially F. Iskander’s work. Special focus was on the typology of the writer's linguistic thinking, the origins and the linguistic specificity of the ergative and nominative system of languages. In ergative languages, a special role belongs to the verbal system of language. In such cases, ergative is the origin of thought, and nominative is the designation of statements. Together they form a new type of Russian literary writing.


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How to Cite

Gabunia, Z., & Ulimbasheva, E. (2017). To the Problem about the Main Features of the Russian Literary Text of F.Iskander. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 13, 113–121.




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