El pronombre “takoj” en el habla coloquial rusa


  • Elizaveta Kostandi Universidad de Tartu



Palabras clave:

pragmatics, syntactic connections, communicative register, oral speech, pronoun


In the article is considered a fragment of the extensive investigation of the syntactic connections in their correlation with the pragmatics of language and speech, with the category of subject and, in particular, with the types of communicative registers. One part of the article is devoted to the generalization of some previous works of the author of the given article, which reflect these problems. The anlysis of records of the oral speech demonstrates, that using continually pronoun такой is one of the means of forming the position of subject – observer, this pronoun is a signal of an addressee’s reference to some situation, which he / she has to present. In such use pronoun такой combines often with the extralinguistic means (gestures, mimicry, movements etc.), and this factor increases a role of the visual channel, proposing primordially presence of the direct observer. In this case a type of syntactic connection (coordination) is conducive to forming of the observer’s position and decorative register.


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Biografía del autor/a

Elizaveta Kostandi, Universidad de Tartu



Cómo citar

Kostandi, E. (2012). El pronombre “takoj” en el habla coloquial rusa. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 4, 59–68. https://doi.org/10.30827/cre.v4i0.7


