Functioning of the Russian language in Yakutsk: Ethnosociopsycholinguistic Dimension



Palabras clave:

Yakutia, Russian language, Yakut language, sociolinguistics, triangulation method, functional status
Agencias: Институт гуманитарных исследований и проблем малочисленных народов Севера Сибирского отделения РАН


Along with the sociolinguistic study of the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, the study of the ethnolinguistic well-being of the ethnic community of Russians, the Russian-speaking population in the regions is an obligatory stage in the study of the language situation from the point of view of identifying the characteristics of national-linguistic relations and representing the linguistic consciousness of native speakers in a single communicative space, identifying positive and negative factors in development of interethnic relations.
The article proposes the first stage of development of an interdisciplinary integrated methodology for studying the language situation in conditions of linguistic heterogeneity with two dominant languages in the status of state languages, as well as native speakers of the Russian language in order to establish their ethnolinguistic well-being, which is established by determining dynamic changes in demographic, linguistic and demographic parameters, social functions , language preferences and attitudes in the context of general sociocultural processes in the region. The triangulation method, combining quantitative (mass sociolinguistic surveys) and qualitative (expert and autobiographical interviews, directed associative experiment (hereinafter – NAE), expands the possibilities of representative methods, while the results of NAE can be extrapolated to the field of research of linguistic competence, ethno-linguistic identity and national-linguistic relations. Together with other sociolinguistic correlations, the method has shown the expediency of its use in the development of scenarios of a linguistic situation, linguistic forecasting.Based on the final results of the study, the problems of the language situation will be understood, the results of the project will be used in the development of educational, ethnocultural programs, training seminars for specialists involved in language policy, national policy under the Federal Agency for Peoples' Affairs of the Russian Federation (FADN), etc.


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Cómo citar

Ivanova, N. I. (2024). Functioning of the Russian language in Yakutsk: Ethnosociopsycholinguistic Dimension. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 20, 315–326.


