From a Real Home to a Spiritual Hearth: The Motives of War and Home in the Early Works of M. Bulgakov


  • Xie Zhou Southwest University (Chong Qing, PRC)


Palabras clave:

Mikhail Bulgakov, Bulgakov's early works, Civil War in Russia, home, repentance of an intellectual


This article examines the motives of war and home in the early works of M. Bulgakov, traces the process of formation of artistic features and ideological development of the writer from anti-Bolshevik passion to anti-war pathos and repentance to innocent victims of the Civil War. Examining such early works of Bulgakov as The Soviet Inquisition, Future Prospects, In a Cafe, The Extraordinary Adventures of a Doctor, А Chinese History and The Red Crown, we come to the conclusion that the motives of repentance and redemption, the motif "home" and related motives "homelessness", "anti-home" and "false home", which originate from Bulgakov's early works, are often repeated and developed, deepened in subsequent works of the writer. In the first stage of his creations, M. Bulgakov managed to go through the path of spiritual development from a passionate struggle for the restoration of a material home to the search for an eternal spiritual hearth for all sinners, especially for sinful intellectuals.


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Cómo citar

Zhou, X. (2022). From a Real Home to a Spiritual Hearth: The Motives of War and Home in the Early Works of M. Bulgakov. Cuadernos De Rusística Española, 18, 143–153.


