The dreams of expulsion or extinction of the Spanish in conspiracies, rebellions, prophecies and lampoons of Latin America, 16th to 18th centuries
political imaginary, prophecies, lampoons, Spanish legitimacy, conspiraciesAbstract
This article aims to highlight the important role played by forms of communication and political criticism that preceded the American independence movements. Since the 16th until the 19th century there is a constant recurrence of a dream apparently quite ingrained in the popular political imagination: a dream related to questioning the legitimacy of the possession by Spain of the American land and associated with the consequent disaffection expressed by prophets and lampoonists from various strata and backgrounds. In the text I show several moments and forms in which the dream of expulsion of the Spaniards or of extinction of the Spanish order was present and reaffirmed itself. As main sources, I used prophecies and lampoons that circulated all over Latin America during that period.
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