Diplomacy in the Bankruptcy: Philip II Before the Second Royal Election of Polonia-Lituania (1574-1576)


  • Miguel Conde Pazos Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio / Instituto Universitario la Corte en Europa




royal elections, Poland-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Diplomacy, Philip II, Stephen Báthory


In September 1575, Felipe II declared his second bankruptcy. In that same year, the nobles of the Poland-Lithuania Commonwealth met to elect a new monarch, after the precipitous departure of Henri de Valois a year earlier to occupy the throne of France. The two main candidates who aspired to that crown were Emperor Maximilian II, head of the Viennese branch of the House of Austria, and Stephen Bathory, vassal of the Ottoman Sultan. This article analyzes the role played by Hispanic diplomacy throughout the election and the subsequent conflict, at a time when the Monarchy did not have resources. Also, we will examine the instr narchy had for this type of occasions, and its objectives in the region.


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Author Biography

Miguel Conde Pazos, Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio / Instituto Universitario la Corte en Europa

Doctor en Historia Moderna por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Especialista en relaciones entre la Monarquía Hispana y la Europa Centro-Oriental. Profesor contratado en la Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio de Madrid.


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How to Cite

Conde Pazos, M. (2021). Diplomacy in the Bankruptcy: Philip II Before the Second Royal Election of Polonia-Lituania (1574-1576). Chronica Nova. Revista De Historia Moderna De La Universidad De Granada, (47), 139–167. https://doi.org/10.30827/cnova.v0i47.8674