The constitutions of the brotherhood of Jesus the Nazarene from the convent of the Martyrs of Granada of 1594
Discalced Carmel, brotherhood, constitutions, Nazarene, Holy WeekAbstract
At the end of the sixteenth century, the Holy Week in Granada was enriched with the appearance of a new brotherhood that broke with the typical procession model of that time. In the new procession the members carried crosses instead of scourging themselves influenced by the spirituality that the Discalced Carmel taught in this moment. It was the brotherhood of Jesus the Nazarene, based in the discalced carmelite convent of the Martyrs. For its study, it is necessary to analyse the documentation conserved from this brotherhood like the original constitutions, that regulated its structure, functioning, religious activities, obligations and benefits. Thanks to these ones, we can know better and deeply the brotherhood of the Nazarene.Downloads
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