The presence of US traders in Spain at the end of the Old Regime: the mercantile activity and businesses of Richard Worsan Meade (1804-1818)


  • Guadalupe Carrasco-Gonzalez Universidad de Cádiz



Richard W. Meade, Philadelphia, Cadiz, Maritime traffic, United States, Commerce, Consulate


At Independence, one of the first goals of the US government was to maintain its presence in Europe trade while also expanding in the Mediterranean markets. The consular network was an effective instrument to achieve this. Later on, wars and the opening of the Spaniards colonial markets to neutral and especially US traders, provided a further incentive to the expansion of US foreign trade. This favored the installation of American merchants in the main Spanish ports. In Cadiz, the number of US residents was very low. But their businesses acquired significant dimensions due to the war situation in which Spain was plunged in the early nineteenth century. One of these traders was Richard W. Meade. In this article we have tried to rebuild his business career, family and business background in his native Philadelphia, his political ambitions and its commercial and financial activities in Cadiz.


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Author Biography

Guadalupe Carrasco-Gonzalez, Universidad de Cádiz

Profesora Titular

Departamento de Historia Moderna

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras


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How to Cite

Carrasco-Gonzalez, G. (2018). The presence of US traders in Spain at the end of the Old Regime: the mercantile activity and businesses of Richard Worsan Meade (1804-1818). Chronica Nova. Revista De Historia Moderna De La Universidad De Granada, (44), 215–242.