Before objectivity. Praise and criticism of the writing of history according to three intellectuals of the Spanish Golden Age


  • Aarón Grageda Bustamante Universidad de Sonora



objectivity, Spanish Golden Age, Miguel de Cervantes, Literature, History


This paper deals with the description of historiographical outlines established at the beginning of the early modern period in Spain with the aim to direct the writing of history towards a systematic and reliable fashion. My intention is to show the methodological provisions and critics that were expressed during that time, a time when objectivity had not yet irrupted into Europe’s scientific landscape. In order to achieve this goal, I will analyze a group of texts, which were written in order to teach about the importance of history and to present the historian with a way to succeed in the task of telling the truth about the past. Based on a comparison between the points of view of three Spanish intelectuals from the so called Golden Century generation, this article concludes with the explanation how criticism coming specifically from the domain of literature entered the field of history, provoking a profound change in the perception of morals, truth and impartiality in the 17th century and paving the way for the further arrival of objectivity.


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Author Biography

Aarón Grageda Bustamante, Universidad de Sonora

Departamento de Historia y Antropología, Posgrado Integral en Ciencias Sociales


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How to Cite

Grageda Bustamante, A. (2018). Before objectivity. Praise and criticism of the writing of history according to three intellectuals of the Spanish Golden Age. Chronica Nova. Revista De Historia Moderna De La Universidad De Granada, (44), 341–358.