Judges and Clients in Lima during the second half of 17th Century


  • Ismael Jiménez Jiménez Universidad de Sevilla




Clientelism, Audience, Peru, Nepotism, Magistrate, Legislation


Finishing the study of familiar, clientelist and nepotistic relationships between the members of the Audience of Lima during the 17th century had become a need to understand the dynamics that these Crown employees described during the next century. The bibliography points towards continuity in these practices, but the study of the documentary collection of the Archivo General de Indias has been the definite step to comprehend and separate the wheat from the chaff as to why these bonds connected the judges.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Jiménez, I. (2018). Judges and Clients in Lima during the second half of 17th Century. Chronica Nova. Revista De Historia Moderna De La Universidad De Granada, (44), 359–380. https://doi.org/10.30827/cn.v0i44.3982