La Parroquia del Sagrario de Granada en el siglo XVI: Estudio demográfico


  • María José Nestares Pleguezuelo



“The Parroquia del Sagrario in the XVIth century in Granada. A demographic study” is the result of research undertaken in the Parish Registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials between 1527, the date of the first preserved record of baptism, and 1599.

The political, religious, economic and cultural activities of Granada centred round this Principal Parish (Parroquia Mayor). The demographic consequences which resulted from these special characteristics are those of atipicity. In addition, the almost total absence of Moors in the parish meant that its demographic evolution in the latter decades of the XVIth century was not one of decline but clearly of increase. Moreover, the social make-up of this population affected its evolution: together with the important, but small in number, aristocratic class, a great number of slaves who worked in the service of the latter, and a considerable number of tradesmen whose premises and workshops were centred round the silkmarket and the river.


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How to Cite

Nestares Pleguezuelo, M. J. La Parroquia del Sagrario de Granada en el siglo XVI: Estudio demográfico. Chronica Nova. Revista De Historia Moderna De La Universidad De Granada, (17), 225–260.




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