State, aristocracy and urban oligarchies in the kingdon of Murcia. A turning point around the “Comunidades” of Castile


  • Juan Hernández Franco Dpto. de Historia Moderna, Contemporánea y de América. Universidad de Murcia
  • Juan Francisco Jiménez Alcázar Dpto. de Prehistoria, Arqueología, Historia Antigua e Historia Medieval. Universidad de Murcia



Key words, Castile, Middle Age, Modern Age, “Comunidades”, Murcia, oligarchies


The struggle for political power in the Kingdom of Murcia among the powers represented by the Monarchy, the Adelantado and the Local Oligarchy worsened during the early years of the 16th century. At the same time, but due to different reasons, their political role and the rights of the community decreased so that the government was in the hands of a few powerful men. The situation worsened (1520-1521) with the revolt of the “Comunidades” in Murcia. This article shows the precedents and political connotations of the situation in the Kingdom of Murcia after the mentioned events.


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How to Cite

Hernández Franco, J., & Jiménez Alcázar, J. F. State, aristocracy and urban oligarchies in the kingdon of Murcia. A turning point around the “Comunidades” of Castile. Chronica Nova. Revista De Historia Moderna De La Universidad De Granada, (23), 171–187.

