“Great Advantage on His Majesty’s Service” or Personal Interests? The Conflicts between the Goverment of the Viceroy and the Ecclesiastic Authority (Peru, 1681-1689)


  • Barthélémy Billette de Villemeur Université Paris Nanterre




Vice-royalty of Peru, ecclesiastical freedom, doctrineros, government of Peru


Under his rule as viceroy, the Duke of la Palata (1681-1689) tried to reform Peru to favor its mining economy and fight against the abuses suffered by the Indians in the doctrinas. In his decree of February 20, 1684, he prohibited abuses by doctrineros, and required corregidores to make reports about such abuses. The text provoked a lawsuit with the Archbishop of Lima Melchor de Liñán y Cisneros. But behind the legal conflict to know if this office is legal, there are more personal reasons that explain the violence of the dispute. Here this conflict is analyzed in its context, which allows us to see that, beyond legal arguments such as ecclesiastical freedom or the defense of the Indians, the reasons of the conflict are linked to personal interests.


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How to Cite

Billette de Villemeur, B. (2021). “Great Advantage on His Majesty’s Service” or Personal Interests? The Conflicts between the Goverment of the Viceroy and the Ecclesiastic Authority (Peru, 1681-1689). Chronica Nova. Revista De Historia Moderna De La Universidad De Granada, (47), 63–85. https://doi.org/10.30827/cnova.v0i47.18462