The soudscape of Cinco Llagas Hospital of Seville in the Early Modern Age
Cinco Llagas hospital, Charitable institutions, Seville, Early Modern Age, Music, Festivities, Singers, Minstrels, SoundscapeAbstract
The hospitals in the cities of the Early Modern Age were inserted into the urban world withimportant implications for social-professional and religious fields. Therefore, they formed part ofthe artistic and social activities that characterize the city, that which affects to the hearing too. Theobjective of this study is to know the sounds that surrounded the hospitable system of the GoldenAge in the Metropolis of Seville, by examining the most documented of its examples: the CincoLlagas hospital. Special attention will be paid to music as we understand today, but we cannot ignorethe range of sounds, of greates or lesses melodions content, that were considered as kinds of musicin that period. The sounds as a whole contribute to creating an atmosphere that forms part of theHistory of these charitable institutions and of the city itsef.Downloads
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