Latin Populism and Nostalgia for Unanimity


  • Loris Zanatta Universidad de Bolonia



populism, catholicism, liberalism


Latin populism proclaims the principle of unanimity. It is inclusive, but may turn totalitarian in the people’s name. It may have a popular basis and implement policies of social distributism, but its outstanding feature is the ambition to transform its people into the whole people. Animated by unanimist drive and redemptionist afflatus, Latin populism is a phenomenon having deep religious roots. These roots are grounded in the ancient humus of Hispanic colonial Christianity and recall the organicist imagery on which it was based, and which —in the course of time— has raised as an identitary bulwark against the spread of illuminist and liberal ideas.


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How to Cite

Zanatta, L. (2018). Latin Populism and Nostalgia for Unanimity. Anales De La Cátedra Francisco Suárez, 53, 15–28.


