From Social Class to the People and From the People to Sexual Class


  • Tasia Aránguez Sánchez Universidad de Granada



The people, populism, social class, feminism, sexual class


The article presents the notions of “people” and “populism” developed by Laclau and Zizek’s critique of the notion of “people”, from his defense of the category of “social class”. Later, the article sets forth the links between Butler’s queer theory, Mouffe’s radical democratic citizenship and Laclau’s populism. The paper explains the feminist critiques directed against the displacement of the category “women” effected by these philosophies. Finally, we deal with the discrepancies between Marxism and feminism on what is the main antagonism of society (social class or sexual class) in Millett, MacKinnon and Firestone’s works. Consequently, the paper develops the tensions and displacements between the categories “people”, “social class” and “sexual class” and the capacity of each of them to facilitate the transformation of society.


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Author Biography

Tasia Aránguez Sánchez, Universidad de Granada

Docente en el Departamento de Filosofía del Derecho de la Universidad de Granada. Responsable de Estudios Jurídicos de la Asociación española de Afectadas de Endometriosis. Actualmente investigadora visitante en el Mason Institute de Medina, Ciencias de la Salud y Derecho, de la Universidad de Edimburgo. Doctora en Derecho. Graduada tanto en Derecho como en Filosofía. Columnista en Tribuna Feminista El Plural. Divulgadora filosófica en el blog "La Galería de los Perplejos". Cuento con dos monografías: "Argumentación Jurídica y Ética de la Virtud" (Reus, 2018) y "¿Por qué la endometriosis concierne al feminismo?" (Dykinson, en prensa), que cuenta con el Primer Premio de Investigaciones Feministas 2017 del Instituto aragonés de la Mujer y la Universidad de Zaragoza.




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How to Cite

Aránguez Sánchez, T. (2018). From Social Class to the People and From the People to Sexual Class. Anales De La Cátedra Francisco Suárez, 53, 183–206.


