Who is Afraid of Populism? Politics between Redemption and Authoritarianism


  • Carlos de la Torre Espinosa Profesor departamento de Sociología, Universidad de Kentucky




populism, democratization, authoritariarism


I argue that in order to understand the relationships between populism, democratization, and authoritarianism scholars should build on the long Latin American experiences with populism. Differently from other world areas, in Latin America populists did not only challenge elites, but governed since the 1940s. Latin American social scientists developed theories of populism since Gino Germani wrote his seminal works in the 1950s. Furthermore, in Latin America populism manifested its more benign and inclusionary faces, whereas in Europe and the U.S. rightwing populists are racist and xenophobic. My second argument is for the need to differentiate the populist critique to constituted power from its solutions. Even though populists show the exclusions of real existing democracies, their solutions reduce the complexities of civil society and democracy to the struggle between to antagonistic camps. My third argument is that inclusion and democratization are not the same. Peronism and Chavism included politically, economically, and ethically the excluded while attempting against pluralism, transforming rivals into enemies, and closing spaces to the opposition. Finally, all populisms are not the same. Even though they share a political logic, they use different criteria to construct the people and their enemies. Some politicize socioeconomic exclusions, other use culture and ethnicity to mark boundaries of who belongs to the nation.


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Author Biography

Carlos de la Torre Espinosa, Profesor departamento de Sociología, Universidad de Kentucky

Profesor de Sociologia


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How to Cite

de la Torre Espinosa, C. (2018). Who is Afraid of Populism? Politics between Redemption and Authoritarianism. Anales De La Cátedra Francisco Suárez, 53, 29–51. https://doi.org/10.30827/acfs.v53i0.7297


