Equality and difference in relation to persons with disabilities (A criticism of General comment n.º 1 (2014) of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities)
Human rights, disability, persone, illness, paternalism, autonomy, equality, dignityAbstract
This article is a criticism of General comment n.º 1 (2014) of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, with regard to the correct interpretation of article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
With this Observation, the Committee assumes an ideology regarding the rights of people with disabilities that is not generally accepted. This position is based on the following three thesis: 1) it supports the social model of disability against the medical model; 2) rather than considering disability as an evil (or a harm) it is seen as a positive value through the notion of functional diversity; and 3) all types of disability are treated equally, in particular, no distinction is made between mental disability and others types of disabilities, when interpreting article 12 of the Convention. According to the Committee, this represents a “change of paradigm”, necessary for the respect of the dignity of people with disabilities.
In this paper, these theses and the underlying conception of dignity are criticised. In the author’s opinion, the biomedical concept of illness and disability is essential; mental disabilities must be dealt with in a different way to those which do not involve the inability to take decisions; illness and disability ought to be considered both an evil and a harm (which must be overcome) but this should not imply moral contempt for the ill or disabled person; and, lastly, it is a mistake to limit the idea of dignity to that of personal autonomy.
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