Cultural traditions as barriers to a common biolaw: The germline human enhancement case


  • Viviana García-Llerena Universidade da Coruña



human enhancement, gene editing, legal systems, biolaw, bioethics, human nature, human rights, capabilities approach, cultural traditions, Mediterranean ethics


When bioethics and law face hard problems, the outcome is frequently a collage of a great diversity of positions and a vast disparity among legal solutions set in each legal system. Moreover, at the international level, that leads to either or an extremely restrictive law on that issue or lack of regulation. Such differences could be linked to the underlying cultural traditions from which they emerge. This paper takes germline human enhancement as a case of the extent to which divergences between Atlantic and Mediterranean cultural traditions can hamper the achievement of an international biolaw. With regard to the chosen bio-issue the aforementioned discrepancies are manifested in distinct conceptions about at least two topics: nature and human body. Their analysis makes it possible to offer some guidelines in order to overcome cultural barriers, as an attempt to pave the way for a common biolaw able to deal with human germline-editing for enhancing purposes.


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How to Cite

García-Llerena, V. (2017). Cultural traditions as barriers to a common biolaw: The germline human enhancement case. Anales De La Cátedra Francisco Suárez, 52, 155–178.



Bioética y Bioderecho