From the right to health to the ethics of health care rationing


  • Ángel Puyol Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona



Right to health, Equity in health, Health care rationing, Bioethics, Distributive justice, Social justice


The objective of this article is to show the need to address in a coherent way the three issues that must be analyzed in the field of health justice. The first one refers to the ethical-legal scope of an alleged right to health. The second one is the issue of unjust inequalities in health that derive from social and economic inequalities. And the third one is the issue of prioritization or health care rationing in a context of limited resources. In the article, I describe the main questions and problems that arise in these areas and outline some conclusions in each one of them. I also warn of the need to build a theory of justice in health that provides a coherent and integrative response to the three issues.


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How to Cite

Puyol, Ángel. (2017). From the right to health to the ethics of health care rationing. Anales De La Cátedra Francisco Suárez, 52, 43–65.



Bioética y Bioderecho