Conflict of Rights and Argumentative Strategies Is Specificationism an Alternative to Balancing?


  • José Manuel Cabra Apalategui Universidad de Málaga



Legal reasoning, principles, balancing, specificationism, neo-aristotelism


Post-positist Legal Theory holds that a necessary connection exists between the fundamental right-norms, which are characterized as principles, and balancing as a method to solve conflicts between them. Balancing sets up conditioned priority relations between principles. A different argumentative strategy to balancing is followed by specificationist models. In this work both of these models, “analytic specificationism” and “aretaic specificacionism”, are analyzed, to come to the conclusion that, specifically in relation with the former, there are not deep methodological or conceptual differences between both strategies.


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How to Cite

Cabra Apalategui, J. M. (2017). Conflict of Rights and Argumentative Strategies Is Specificationism an Alternative to Balancing?. Anales De La Cátedra Francisco Suárez, 51, 357–380.