Suárez and Descartes on Moral Psychology: Passion in the Virtuous Life
Moral Psychology, Will, Passion, Virtuous Life, Suárez, DescartesAbstract
The mayority of commentators have underestimated rebuilding the ethical theories of Suárez and Descartes. This attitude would seem justifiable, considering that neither Suárez nor Descartes wrote a treatise dedicated to the typical moral questions. Nonetheless, I shall argue that this does not mean that they lack a theoretical language and sensibility for moral philosophy. I shall appeal to textual evidence to highlight that Suarez and Descartes, sharing the life of their time, unequivocally promote moral concepts, norms, categories and practices. The general hypothesis of this paper is that both philosophers posit an scope beyond pure reason in the exercise of the will. In this inner mental area, which they consider to be proper of the intelligence and the practical knowledge, their moral theories and the analysis of the action itself work in conjunction. Another transversal aspect of this study will be to show that ethos and pathos are linked in their moral psychology, with evident differences because of their theological and philosophical views.
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