Suárez: the Truth of the Law and its Authority
Suárez, Law, Obligation, Duty, WillAbstract
According to Suárez, the law is an act of the legislator’s will that obliges the subjects to act as they should, by commanding them to do so. Some scholars argue that the Jesuit considers the law as an act which adds a new specific obligation to a pre-existing one. Other scholars have maintained that, in Suárez’s view, the obligation cannot find its foundation outside the law and that, consequently, there are no obligations before the law, but only duties. Beyond this division, I would like to argue that Suárez cannot explain why the subject should obey the legislator, or even act as she should. Thus, I share the well-known conclusion of those scholars who claim that, once the metaphysical and anthropological assumptions of Saint Thomas’ ethical and legal doctrine are lost, Suárez’s attempt to restore the moral, legal and political obligation ultimately fails.
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