Kinds of tyrant and resistance in Francisco Suárez
Francisco Suárez, right of resistance, tyrannicide, tyranny, usurper, kinds of tyranny, self-defense, Defensio fidei, civil disobedience, oath of allegiance, Juan AzorAbstract
The aim of this paper is to analyse Francisco Suárez’ opposition to the thesis that disagrees with the distinction between kinds of tyrants in the topic of tyrannicide (Defensio fidei, Book VI, chapter IV, nos. 10-13). This current opinion considers the murder of both kinds of tyrants by a private person to be illicit. Only self-defence can justify killing, because, in that case, this person is considered to act on public authority.
Suárez ends up admitting this thesis (in number 13), which seems contradictory to number 7, where he accepted that any private person could kill a usurper. Nevertheless, in essence he maintains that there is a difference between the two kinds of tyrants, because he affirms that the usurper can always be killed in self-defence. It is not clear what happens in that case with the conditions established in numbers 8 and 9
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