Francisco Suárez and the Reason of State in the Context of the Spanish Literature of the 17th Century


  • Franco Todescan Università degli Studi di Padova



Reason of State, Prudence, Ethics, Positive law, Natural law


This essay analyses Francisco Suárez’s attitude with regard to the thought of Niccolò Machiavelli and the Reason of State. In the frame of historical studies on Spanish political thought in the xvi and xvii century (Maravall, Tierno Galvan, Fernández Santamaria), which divided the autors between «tacitistas mayores» and «tacitistas menores», traditionalists and innovadores, «eticistas» and «arbitraristas», two thesis are examined: the more radical by Carlo Giacon, who opposes the thought of the theologian of Coimbra to that of the Florentine Secretary, and that more soft of Cintia Faraco, who believes to discern a sort of link between the prudence of Machiavelli and that of Suárez. In the Author’s opinion the problem should be resolved considering that the Prince’s law ought to be always just and right, i.e. in conformity with the ethical values, especially with those contained in the natural law.


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How to Cite

Todescan, F. (2017). Francisco Suárez and the Reason of State in the Context of the Spanish Literature of the 17th Century. Anales De La Cátedra Francisco Suárez, 51, 49–65.



Francisco Suárez en la vida de su tiempo y en la del nuestro