Francisco Suárez and contemporary legal philosophy (Analysis of the main aspects of his legal thought on the occasion of the Fourth Centenary of his death)


  • Antonio Enrique Pérez Luño Universidad de Sevilla



Spanish School of Natural Law, concept of law, legal language, natural law, common good, political legitimacy, voluntarism, intellectualism


The commemoration in 2017 of the fourth centenary of the death of Francisco Suárez represents an invitation to rethink the persistence of its legal scholarly legacy within contemporary Legal Theory and Philosophy. This essay analyses its conception of law, based on its constituent elements and their implications, as well as the relevant observations of Suárez on the characteristics of the legal language. This paper intends to offer a balance of those aspects of the reflection of Francisco Suárez on law that may bear more interest for today’s legal culture. Special attention is dedicated to the innovative character of the legal conception of Suárez with respect to the medieval tradition and to the doctrines of its time. In this way, we can see the anticipatory features of Suarez’s thought in regard to certain contemporary legal-philosophical conceptions.


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How to Cite

Pérez Luño, A. E. (2017). Francisco Suárez and contemporary legal philosophy (Analysis of the main aspects of his legal thought on the occasion of the Fourth Centenary of his death). Anales De La Cátedra Francisco Suárez, 51, 9–25.



Francisco Suárez en la vida de su tiempo y en la del nuestro