The criterion of demarcation in the Biopatents


  • Manuel Jesús López Baroni Observatorio de Bioética y Derecho. Universidad de Barcelona



Biotechnology, biopatents, biopiracy, industrial property, synthetic life, artificial intelligent, information


The traditional paradigm in the patent system was based on the fact that only inventions were patentable, which indirectly excluded living matter. However, the breakthrough of biotechnology in industrial property has meant a substantial reversal in these premises, due, among other factors, to the fact that living beings have a dual nature, since they are both living matter and information. In addition, the acceleration of research on synthetic biology and artificial intelligence adds a growing complexity to our theme. In order to analyze the problems generated by private property in relation to life, we have created a model with three pairs of variables, invention/discovery, matter/information, and inert/living matter. The ultimate goal is to clarify the narratives that underlie the many documents that try to channel, regulate and/or refute biopatents.


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Author Biography

Manuel Jesús López Baroni, Observatorio de Bioética y Derecho. Universidad de Barcelona

Profesor asociado de filosofía del derecho en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla


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How to Cite

López Baroni, M. J. (2017). The criterion of demarcation in the Biopatents. Anales De La Cátedra Francisco Suárez, 52, 131–153.



Bioética y Bioderecho