Institutions and transaction costs


  • Julia Barragán Universidad Central de Venezuela



negotiation, institutional arrangement, prisoner’s dilemma, strategic rationality, partiality, sanction, authority, social capital, restricted maximization, rules of the game


The main task of the institutional arrangements is to make the transaction costs as inexpensive as posible. In order to reach this goal the institution-designers try to maintain social behaviour under external control the by using optimal-incentives systems. We intend to show two main issues; on the one hand, that the construction of the “internal point of view” contributes to making the transaction costs less expensive, and on the other hand, that the value messages of the normative authority plays a crucial role in the emergence of the internal point of view.


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How to Cite

Barragán, J. (2016). Institutions and transaction costs. Anales De La Cátedra Francisco Suárez, 50, 257–282.



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