Between the Need and the Purpose of Comparing in Legal Research.
Reflections on its Methodological Approach
Comparative Methods, Comparative Approaches, Methodological Tools, Comparative Law, Legal Research, Problems, ChallengesAbstract
In recent decades, the comparative method has gained an essential prominence in the fields of legal research, because this method allows us to deepen and explain critically the complexity of legal phenomenon. The aim of this paper focuses on analysing the scope and tensions between the binomial need versus purpose in the methodological development of legal comparative research. In this regard, there is a selection of main theoretical contributions and considerations on the nature of comparative method/discipline and also a reflexion on problems and challenges related to this method, the different methodological phases as well as the current strategies. And, finally, I include a proposal for improvement based on “slow” legal comparative model as a formula to balance this binomial in the research task developed by comparative law researchers.
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