Individualism, inequality and democracy.
Critiques of the public-private distinction of the deliberative model
Public, Private, Democracy, Equality, IndividualismAbstract
In this paper I analyze the distinction between public and private matters in the deliberative democratic model. First, I make explicit the different contexts in which the public-private distinction is used in deliberative democratic theory. I argue that, in each of these contexts, the terms public and private take on different meanings and that many of them are contestable. I then identify and develop what I consider to be problematic issues in the distinction between public and private matters as a prerequisite for debate from three different perspectives. First, because I see it as having significant costs in terms of equality in debate. Second, because it undermines the epistemic value of democratic deliberation that the model claims to honor. Finally, because it engages with a conception of the individualistic subject with strong normative implications.
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