The Chestertonian Paradox as a Method of Analysis of Law from an Ius-philosophical Perspective

Proposal of Seven Structural Paradoxes




Paradoxes, Chesterton, Epistemology, Practical Reason, Literary Analysis of Law, Law and Literature


This paper proposes a paradoxical method for the analysis of Law. This method of knowledge consists of a look at the complexity of the legal phenomenon, looking for in it what can be understood as an apparent contradiction. They are not real contradictions, but complex elements. By noting that they occur together, we provide thought with depth.

There are different ways of defining paradox, but here we focus on the literary, rhetorical, and philosophical qualities offered by the type or types of paradox masterfully used by the English writer G.K. Chesterton. Of the functions of the paradox understood from this perspective, they are especially useful for legal analysis: criticizing the system of thought and opening up to reality. The first is related to Law because it is always under the threat of formalism. The second is related to it because Law is a human phenomenon, so that when we talk about Law, we are analyzing the complex reality of the human person. This cannot be reduced to just one of its dimensions, and for this reason the paradox is necessary to balance the different approaches to analysis.

After explaining all this, the article proceeds to suggest seven paradoxes that show the complexity of the legal phenomenon and pretend to be challenges to thought.


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How to Cite

Romero Wenz, L. (2024). The Chestertonian Paradox as a Method of Analysis of Law from an Ius-philosophical Perspective: Proposal of Seven Structural Paradoxes. Anales De La Cátedra Francisco Suárez, 58.