Artificial Intelligence Applied to Law as a New Branch of Legal Theory


  • Enrique Cáceres Nieto Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



Artificial Intelligence and Law, General Legal Theory, Philosophy of Law, Legal Constructivism


This paper aims to provide reasons for computational legal theory as a new area of contemporary legal theory. The paper begins with a brief overview of the history of artificial intelligence. The goal is to provide a shelf to locate the different approaches that can be found in the field of artificial intelligence applied to the law (AIL): the top-down and the bottom-up. After an enumeration of the topics of interest from the international AIL community, I present some developments, with particular reference to those carried out in the Legal Constructivism Laboratory of the Legal Research Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico in which the role of computational legal theory is highlighted: the projects EXPERTIUS I, EXPERTIUS II and the Intelligent Systems for the configuration and visualization of globalized law as an emergent complex adaptive network. The article ends with reflections on the potential benefits and risks of artificial intelligence in the new Law that is about to emerge.


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How to Cite

Cáceres Nieto, E. (2023). Artificial Intelligence Applied to Law as a New Branch of Legal Theory. Anales De La Cátedra Francisco Suárez, 57, 63–89.