Algorithmic Governance, Explanation by Design and Design Justice


  • Paola Cantarini Guerra



Compliance, Design, Design Justice, Artificial Intelligence, Governance


Despite the countless benefits, there are several criticisms and concerns regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially in Brazil, where so far there is no federal legislation in force, the existing state legislations and the PL currently being voted in Congress, such as PL 21/20, are flawed and incomplete, especially regarding some applications of AI that involve high risks to fundamental rights and freedoms, besides often bringing a potential bias, duplicating or potentiating the existing institutionalized racism in society or other forms of discrimination. There is a codified inequity propitiating unjust infrastructures, however, where there is power there is resistance, and in this sense one has to point to the importance of counter-codifications based on solidarity and that rethink justice, that is, an emancipatory approach to technology. This is the necessary paradigmatic change, and being necessary, it has to be possible, and should be sought with the utmost effort. These are true forms of resistance, such as abolitionist instruments for the “New Jim Code”, new forms of race, gender and class discrimination existing through the use of new technologies, in the sense of justice-oriented design practices.


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How to Cite

Cantarini Guerra, P. (2023). Algorithmic Governance, Explanation by Design and Design Justice. Anales De La Cátedra Francisco Suárez, 57, 121–141.