The Search for the European Union Regulatory Model


  • Susana Ruiz Tarrías Universidad de Granada



Artificial Intelligence (AI), Regulatory Framework, Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, EU Principles and Values, Regulation (EU) on AI


Artificial intelligence (AI) is not just a fashion, but a set of technological
systems that have acquired in recent years an enormous development with
applications to multiple aspects of the daily life of citizens, both by individuals
(companies) and by the States themselves.

The European Union has always been committed to making technological
advances compatible with respect for the principles and values of democracy,
the rule of law and fundamental rights and freedoms. Based on these
premises, it is currently facing the search for a regulatory model for AI, given
the shortcomings of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in this
The Proposal for a Regulation (EU) on AI aims to adopt a “third way” regulation
of the use of AI inspired by EU principles and values, in contrast to current
“abstentionist” (US) and “hyper-regulatory” (China) formulas, providing a model
that achieves the “Brussels effect” of “trusted” AI for citizens and enterprises



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How to Cite

Ruiz Tarrías, S. (2023). The Search for the European Union Regulatory Model. Anales De La Cátedra Francisco Suárez, 57, 91–119.