Legal Positivism, Moral Objectivism, and the Constitutional State


  • Juan Antonio García Amado



Legal positivism, Legal Moralism, Postpositivism, Moral Objectivims, Constitutional State


A legal moralist theory of law cannot but be based on moral objectivism, while a legal positivist theory can be defended equally by objectivists and non-objectivists. The consequences that legal moralism has for the theory of the validity of legal norms and for their applicability in concrete cases are examined, and the asymmetries and aporias to which a moralist theory of law leads are surveyed. Finally, it is emphasized that legal moralists radically disagree on the contents of true morality and just law and that only a legal positivist approach is compatible with the constitutional and democratic rule of law.


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How to Cite

García Amado, J. A. (2022). Legal Positivism, Moral Objectivism, and the Constitutional State. Anales De La Cátedra Francisco Suárez, 56, 7–31.