'Individual or 'One of Us'?

Aristotle and Hidden Individualistic Prejudices


  • Aurelio de Prada García Universidad Rey Juan Carlos




Aristotle, “ἕκαστος ἡμῶν”, Gadamer, Hidden Individualistic Prejudices, One of Us


To defend that the Aristotelian political philosophy has been distorted in some crucial points is possible only if we know what Aristotle, -any author-, truly “says”. At this respect, we expressly adhere to Gadamer’s hermeneutics and his assertion that it is possible to listen to what tradition says to us, from our praxis horizon  and being conscious of the “hidden prejudices” that make us deaf to tradition. As we will try to prove, the implementation of an individualistic hidden prejudice would be the reason why we hear Aristotle saying “individual”, so that we introduce in his political philosophy the consequent individualism, liberalism and constitutionalism. On the contrary, to listen to what he truly says: “one of us”, would explain perfectly well, some “peculiarities” of the classical Athens like the “antitimesis”, the absence of prosecutors and the ostracism. “Peculiarities” distorted too from an individualistic hidden prejudice.


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Author Biography

Aurelio de Prada García, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Dpto. Dcho Público II y Filología I

Prof. Titular de Filosofia del Derecho



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How to Cite

Prada García, A. de. (2022). ’Individual or ’One of Us’? Aristotle and Hidden Individualistic Prejudices. Anales De La Cátedra Francisco Suárez, 56, 347–374. https://doi.org/10.30827/acfs.v56i.21604