Hermann Heller's Theory of Sovereignty and his Polemic with the Dominant Internationalist Thought
Heller, State, Sovereignity, International Law, Positive LawAbstract
According to Hermann Heller’s international law theory, the fundamental fact of the legal order is the presence of sovereign decision-making units, individualizing the law.
He adds that, paradoxically, the existence of positive law depends on the legibus soluta action of such communities. Although bound by "fundamental legal principles", the States, in the face of a threat that puts them at risk and therefore compromises the entire legal order, can partially modify the latter. And, given that in the international order there is no civitas maxima, but rather a plurality of States, it is they who freely determine (positivize) public international law: as a matter of fact, international law is created by the general consent of the States. The State is born and endures as a certain social reality (a "fact", says Heller) and exists as a political society -with the corresponding legitimacy- even when it does not establish international legal relations of any kind.
In conclusion, for Heller if the State does not appear or survive by decision of international law, then its power arises from no delegation or distribution of functions emanating from such normative order.
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