En torno a la lectura rawlsiana de la filosofía moral de David Hume


  • José Luis Tasset Carmona Universidade da Coruña, España






John Rawls shows a deep influence of David Hume’s thought, mainly at his Theory of Justice, though also at the rest of his works. This influence is well-known in the field of political philosophy, much less in the field of moral philosophy. Rawls reads Hume’s thought with a sceptic and naturalistic key, attributing him what he calls a “nature fideism”. Besides this, attributes to Hume an ethical and political position linked with the classical utilitarianism. Nevertheless, his skeptical epistemology will move away, paradoxically, to Hume from the utilitarian positions. Hume’s ethics and politics will finish, according to Rawls, showing a purely descriptive character and a lack of normative purposes. Hume does not have in the strict sense a theory of practical reason.

This article examines and puts in question this interpretation of Hume proposed by John Rawls. The philosophy of Hume is not aporetically skeptical, articulates the moral roles of reason and the passions; and finally, is not only connected with utilitarianism; his defense of the role of utility frees to his theory of some of the main contradictions of classical utilitarianism. Besides this, the theory of the “judicious spectator” can be considered a form of a theory of practical rationality.



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Author Biography

José Luis Tasset Carmona, Universidade da Coruña, España

Departamento de Humanidades

Catedrático de Filosofía moral


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How to Cite

Tasset Carmona, J. L. (2021). En torno a la lectura rawlsiana de la filosofía moral de David Hume. Anales De La Cátedra Francisco Suárez, 55, 155–182. https://doi.org/10.30827/acfs.v55i0.15571