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  • Francisco Jiménez Bautista Universidad de Granada
Vol. 7 (2014), Articles, pages 19-52
Submitted: Mar 15, 2014 Accepted: Apr 29, 2014 Published: May 29, 2014


This paper attempts to define and explain the concept of neutral peace as a category of analysis useful in reducing the cultural and/or symbolic violence. The underlying method is the interconnection of speech, language and dialogue to transform conflicts searching peace, where converge nonviolence and assertiveness, as personal attitude generated in oneself, peace and security in others, respect and reflection rather than negative reactions that are arranged against dialogue, education, research and fieldwork as a form of action-research exercise. The neutral peace develops a neutral peace education, where the cornerstone is neutralize from the thesis that «education is learning to criticize» and becoming the most important tool and instrument when it comes to eliminate conflicts and violence.



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