Focus and Scope

Revista de paz y conflictos is a yearly journal whose main goal is to spread the outcomes of worldwide research on peace and conflicts, as well as research within related fields like those of development and human rights.

The interdisciplinary character of the journal encourages the approach to peace, conflict, and other connected areas, from any fields of knowledge. The journal is, hence, addressed to all those scholars who, albeit having different academic and professional backgrounds, share their interest in topics related with Peace Research.

The Instituto de la paz y los conflictos (Peace and Conflicts Institute)at the University of Granada supervises the publication of the journal and looks after its scientific value. The Institute aims at establishing a high-quality journal, that will be listed in the main scientific indexes and broadly used and known. For these goals to be met, we have established an Advisory Board, outstanding researchers of diverse geographic and disciplinary origins, to proofread the work.

Revista de Paz y Conflictos publishes contributions on ideas and research in peace studies broadly defined. All contributions from any perspective or origin are welcome. Contributions can be submitted in Spanish, French, English, Italian and Portuguese.  Revista de Paz y Conflictos contains several sections which are open to contributors: articles, book reviews, and Ph.D theses or research work summaries; there is an additional section devoted to diverse handouts such as relevant news or statements.  Contributions will be published in the corresponding section on approval by the Editors Board and the Editorial Advisory Board.

We hope Revista de Paz y Conflictos to be not only a reference point for  peace research scholars, but also an useful peace-building tool to develop nonviolent strategies in conflict management.

Peer Review Process

The articles received in the drafting of the Revista Paz y Conflictos (Peace and Conflicts Journal of the University of Granada) have the following evaluation process:

- An internal evaluation in which the articles are read and evaluated by members of the Editorial Board, who can accept or reject them (in the case of a rejection indicating the reasons for this choice); or, on the other hand suggest and/or recommend modifications that the author should take into account in order to pass the external evaluation. 
- After being accepted by the internal evaluation, articles will then be sent to an external body for evaluation. If this evaluation is contrary to the first (i.e. if the article is refused by the external evaluation) then a third evaluation will be requested.

Authors should have in mind the observations about the work which have been laid out.

In order for the work to be accepted at the first evaluation it is very important that these Rules for the Presentation of Manuscripts are complied with.

The authors will be informed about the receipt of their work within fifteen days.